A PROJECT to replace an ageing play area in Weeting is a step closer thanks to a �25,000 grant.

A PROJECT to replace an ageing play area in Weeting is a step closer thanks to a �25,000 grant.

The funding has been offered by WREN, with the proviso that the parish council can secure the remaining funding from other sources.

Plans for the new play area have been on the parish council's agenda for some years, but it is only recently that preparation work has taken place, to obtain the feedback of the community and children as to what equipment they would like to see on the recreation ground.

Ann Morgan, of Weeting parish council said: “We know that we need a large amount of external funding to make our dream a reality.

“Although we found this first grant application a lot of hard work, we are thrilled that it has all been worth it so far. It gives us the incentive to look for match funding. ”

This isn't the only project which the parish council is preparing for, as they have a pavilion which they hope to renovate to provide a permanent parish office and changing facilities. Support is also being given to the youth group as they seek funding for a youth shelter.

The grants made by WREN are under the Landfill Communities Fund (formerly known as the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme) and look to improve community life by enhancing existing facilities as well as providing new facilities, including play areas and village halls. Historic and religious buildings can also receive funding for restoration work.

Sarah Gosling, WREN project manager, said: “Projects applying for grants from WREN are assessed by an individual panel of locally based experts in each county for their need, community benefit and support, sustainability and value for money. The new play area will really give a boost to the entire community.”

Organisations and community groups looking for funding can contact WREN on 01953 717165 or visit www.wren.org.uk