Ever wondered why some people absolutely smash their goals while others let them linger in that deep dark pit of “I’ll start it later” and constantly promise to start next week, month or year? If this sounds familiar keep reading as this column might just contain that golden nugget to help boost your productivity and free up a lot of time.

With the first month of 2017 passed, many of us are starting to come to terms with not fulfilling the New Year’s resolutions and promises made to ourselves.

During coaching and mentoring sessions, I notice how people have already given up on some goals that seemed so realistic just a month ago.

They say it is because ‘there is no time’ or ‘there are to many other commitments’ etc.

However, there is one simple solution - say ‘no’ more often.

Really you ask? Yes. It’s that simple. Let me explain why.

Many of us have been conditioned not to disappoint. This already started when we were children, not wanting to disappoint our parents or teachers, and is ingrained in our mentality.

It is reflected now in that extra shift, project, or task we take up, not to disappoint our boss.

We are constantly trying to avoid letting people down or disappoint. But here is the thing, by constantly trying to please everyone else, and always saying ‘yes’, we actually end up disappointing ourselves.

As a result we have less time for our goals and projects - whether they be personal or professional - and they end up getting shelved.

If this sounds familiar to you remember you alone can change this.

In the end, we all have the same amount of time. The only difference is in how we choose to spend it. It is entirely up to you to cut out the less important activities, block time for yourself, and protect it.

Whether it is a new business project, going to the gym, relaxing or spending time with loved ones; if it is your priority and it deserves your full attention.

Just remember, the magic word, in this case, is simply ‘no’.

Times columnist and entrepreneur Ryan Windsor is the director of Windsor Properties. Mr Windsor, who is from Thetford and attended Thetford Academy, started his own business at the age of 18.

To ask him a question email ryanwindsor89@gmail.com