Work was carried out to clear vegetation from the remains of a newly-discovered warren lodge in preparation for further investigation.

The lodge, in Breckland, is believed to be just one of three in the world. It will be the subject of volunteers from the Breckland Society, Friends of Thetford Forest Park and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, on Sunday.

An archaeological study will be carried out next year, and depending on what is discovered, the groups hope the lodge, of which just a corner remains, could be added to a list of ancient scheduled monuments.

Anne Mason has been researching warrens, which were used for the farming of rabbits for their meat and fur, since 2000 when, as a member of Friends of Thetford Forest Park, she was asked to raise funds to restore a medieval warrener’s lodge in Mildenhall Woods.

She said: “This will enable the volunteer archaeologist group to come along and do a proper surface investigation. Breckland is significant because it seems to have a large area of warrens where we’ve proved they have a medieval date of origin.

“For some, we have an unbroken record of ownership from when they were set up right to the beginning of the 20th century when it faded out in the Brecks.”

Unearthed in forestry near Mundford following a research project to raise awareness of the significance of the warrens, the lodge is just one of three in the area, and, it is believed, the world – with others at Thetford and Mildenhall.