A team from Asperger East Anglia is organising a drop-in day in Thetford to help anyone affected by Asperger syndrome (AS).Anyone affected by Asperger syndrome is welcome to call in for more information, advice or help at the session which is on Tuesday, February 17 from 11am to 4pm at The Bell Hotel.

A team from Asperger East Anglia is organising a drop-in day in Thetford to help anyone affected by Asperger syndrome (AS).

Anyone affected by Asperger syndrome is welcome to call in for more information, advice or help at the session which is on Tuesday, February 17 from 11am to 4pm at The Bell Hotel.

Steve Bloomfield, head of adult services at Asperger East Anglia said: “There are many people whose lives have been affected by Asperger syndrome who we know need more help and support than they currently receive. Even getting a diagnosis for a school age young person, which should be relatively straightforward, can be a problem. We are also aware that there are many adults in the County who do not have a diagnosis and don't receive any adequate or appropriate support.”

“We are particularly hoping to contact adults with Asperger syndrome and their carers because we know that adults have particular problems both socially and finding employment that can use their specific skills and abilities. Although many people with Asperger syndrome learn to live with it and the advantages it brings with it, for others it can have a dramatic and negative impact on forming relationships and developing any form of normal social life.”

Asperger East Anglia is looking for volunteers to help start a new adult social group in Thetford and run regular meetings.

If you, or someone you care for, may be affected by Asperger syndrome you can go along and meet the team that will include education and employment advisers as well as parent and carer support staff from the Asperger East Anglia team in Norwich.

For further information contact Steve Bloomfield on 01603 598 946 or e-mail: steve@asperger.org.uk