Crowds will flock to locations such as Stonehenge to celebrate the Summer Solstice, or the longest day of the year, on June 20.

June's shorter nights generally pose a challenge for stargazers because they cannot set out until later in the evening and a level of twilight lingers until morning, often blocking their view.

But some astronomical phenomena are unique to June and worth searching for.

Here is a round-up of some of the things you can see in the sky over the region this month.

The Moon

New Moon: June 6

First Quarter: June 14

Full Moon: June 22

Third Quarter: June 28

June's Full Moon is known as the Strawberry Moon because it signalled to ancient societies that many berries would be ready to pick.

The stars

The Summer Triangle will come into view in the eastern sky this month.

This shape is formed by three stars - Deneb, Vega and Altair - and was only recognised in history books around 100 years ago.

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Vega is the brightest point of the triangle and is the fifth brightest in the entire sky.

If you are looking towards the Summer Triangle with binoculars, it is also worth looking for the Ring Nebula in Lyra. 

The Ring Nubula is thought to be the remnants of a long-lost star that was similar to our own Sun. 

Other sights

The twilight that lingers in the Solstice skies is good for those who enjoy watching noctilucent clouds. 

Noctilucent clouds are silvery-blue wisps that appear after the sun has set.

They spread across the sky creating an eerie glow.

Look west towards a flat horizon about an hour after sunset for the best chance to spot this rare phenomenon.