A primary academy with nearly 400 pupils is an improving school, says the education watchdog.

Ofsted inspectors visited the Bishop's Primary Academy in Thetford last month.

Their report says: "The Bishop’s Church of England Primary Academy is an improving school. Pupils, and children in early years, generally get on well with each other.

"Pupils no longer experience an inadequate quality of education. Pupils study a range of different subjects and topics which excite their interest.

"While the curriculum is improving, there is more work to do to ensure a good quality of education."

The school, on Canterbury Way, was rated "Inadequate" after its last inspection three years ago. Inspectors have changed its rating to "Requires Improvement".

"Leaders and staff are determinedly tackling the main issues in the curriculum identified by the previous inspection report," their report says. "Leaders have put in place a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils."

But it adds plans for some subjects have only recently been put in place, while some subject leaders are new to their roles and have not yet evaluated the impact the curriculum is having and where improvements are needed.

The report says: "The number of permanent exclusions and suspensions is reducing. However, some staff are not consistently applying the school’s behaviour policy well enough.

"While pupils’ behaviour has improved, leaders have more work to do to ensure that pupils’ behaviour is good."

While persistent absence is still a problem at the school, the report says its approach to personal development is "a strength".

"Good-quality pastoral care helps pupils, and children in early years, manage their emotions," it notes. "Pupils are becoming increasingly resilient to setbacks. Pupils are beginning to see themselves as members of the school community."

Arrangements for safeguarding are described as "effective", with records showing "detailed and appropriate actions" in response to concerns.

"Staff teach pupils effectively how to stay safe," the report says. "Pupils know about risks to themselves, including when going online."